2024. “Elite Change without Regime Change: Authoritarian Persistence in Africa and the End of the Cold War. American Political Science Review, Vol. 118(1) 178-194 (with Alex Kroeger)

2022. "What Happens When Coups Fail? The Problem of Identifying and Weakening the Enemy Within." Comparative Political Studies, Vol. 55(7) 1236–1265
[accepted version]

2019. "Contested or Established? A Comparison of Legislative Powers across Regimes." Democratization 26:4, p. 585-605. (with Matthew Wilson)

2018. "The Ruler's Game of Musical Chairs: Shuffling during the Reign of Ethiopia's last Emperor." Social Networks 52, 154-166

In Progress
What Does the Measure Actually Mean? Identifying the Concept Structure of IRT Latent Variables" (with Matthew Wilson) Under Review

"Institutionalizing Authoritarian Resilience in Ethiopia: The EPRDF's Regionalized Central Party Committee System." (with Terrence Lyons, Leonardo Arriola, Yosef Tadesse, and Seife Ayalew)

"Interviews are not Small-N Surveys: Upending Assumptions for better Interview Samples." (with Jane Sumner, and Erik Mueller)

“Whom to Appoint? Analyzing Cabinet Formation and Change in Dictatorships (with Joan C. Timoneda)

“When does the Transfer of Power Undermine the Integrity of the Legislature?” (with Matthew Wilson)

“Correcting Distortions in Latent Measures: A Penalized Regression Approach" (with Ibrahim Oker, and Matthew Wilson)

"Creating Stability Amid Change: Cabinet Appointments and the Survival of Autocrats." Book Project

Other Writings
2022. “After Guinea-Bissau’s failed coup attempt, expect the government to reshuffle political elites.TMK, Washington Post.

2022. “What Coups and Elections Have in Common.” Political Violence at a Glance (with Jun Koga Sudduth)

2015. "Seizing Power: The Strategic Logic of Military Coups" by Naunihal Singh. Journal of Peace Review. Vol.27 No.4. Book Review

2011. "Borders & Broderlanders as Resource in the Horn of Africa" by Feyissa, Dereje, and Markus V. Hoehne, eds. Africa Today. Vol.57 No.3. Book Review