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The Challenge:
The research presentation is the art of shifting from one mode of communication to another; from the quiet, reflective world of written research to the interactive, dynamic world of oral delivery. But therein lies the catch. What works on the page—dense with data, footnotes, and technical jargon—is all but guaranteed to confuse the audience in a presentation setting. Oral communication has its own set of rules, and any presenter would be wise to follow them. The challenge of crafting a research presentation, then, is this: How do I distill complex ideas and deliver them in a way that suits the spoken word. This is exactly what the workshop aims to achieve and it proposes storytelling as the key method for transforming research into an engaging oral narrative.
Workshop Purpose:
The goal is to help participants see research presentations not as a monologue of facts but as a compelling narrative. The exploration begins with the fundamentals: What is storytelling? What makes storytelling so compelling? How can this ancient art be incorporated into research presentations? Alongside answering these fundamental questions, the workshop also walks through a portion of an actual presentation to demonstrate the principles of storytelling when applied to research. Lastly, participants will have the opportunity to start crafting their own research presentation in the form of storytelling.
Intended Audience:
While this workshop is primarily geared toward participants who work on their research projects, it can also benefit those who want to learn more about storytelling and hone their presentation and oral communication skills.